10 Django Master Class action items
Edit: I wrote a follow-up post describing how I was doing with these action items. Enjoy!
A couple of weeks ago I attended Jacob Kaplan-Moss's Django Master Class in Springfield, Virginia. It was a great class and I walked out with a bunch of ideas for making better use of Django. What follows is a set of action items that I created for myself. Jacob was not this prescriptive in his presentation. These are just my personal decisions based on how he explained things.
Use South for database migrations (complete). Unlike Rails, Django has no native system for synchronizing the database schema with code changes. Django will create your initial database schema for you but you need to modify the tables with SQL whenever your models change. South gives Django Rails-like migrations which consists of methods to alter the database and also roll-back changes. I ported a new application I am working on over to use South and am very impressed. Jacob gave some great advice to keep your schema migrations from your data migrations. For example, if you are renaming a field: you would create one migration to add the field; a second migration to move the data to the new field; and a third migration to delete the old field. Doing this will make your migrations safer and easier to roll-back.
Use PostgreSQL rather than MySQL (complete). Jacob didn't talk disparagingly about MySQL but it was clear to me that PostgreSQL is what the cool kids are using. That is not to say there are not disagreements over what DB is best. I have been using MySQL for years but two things won me over. In the class, I learned that table alterations in MySQL are not transactional so if your South database migration fails, you can't roll-back so easily. The second factor came after the class when I was reading all these blog posts panicking about what will come of MySQL now that Oracle owns it. I agree with most pundits that Oracle doesn't have a great reason to invest in MySQL. My comfort level working with PostgreSQL is growing but its going to take a while to get as comfortable with the commands and syntax as I am with MySQL.
Use VirtualEnv (complete). One thing about Python that always seemed hackey to me was the whole "site-packages" thing. I don't like how all your Python projects tend to share the same libraries. In Java, you are much more deliberate with your CLASSPATH. The class introduced me to virtualenv and its sister project virtualenvwrapper. This creates a virtual sandbox where you can manage libraries separately from your main Python installation. It is brilliant.
Use PIP (complete). I was pretty haphazard about what tools I used to install Python packages. I admit that I didn't really know the difference between setuptools and easy_install. The Master Class nicely explained the different options and it seems like PIP is emerging as the Python package manager of choice.
Break up functionality into lots of small re-usable applications (in process). Much of the advice from the class is summarized in James Bennett's DjangoCon 2008 talk: Reusable Apps. Watch the video and be convinced.
Use Fabric for deployments (not started). My normal m.o. for deploying code has been to shell over to a server and svn export from my Subversion server. In multiple server environments, I would usually have some kind of rsync setup. However, in my one of my client projects (using Java), I started using AntHill Pro (plus Ant) for both continuous integration and deployment. From that experience I saw light on the automated deployments. Fabric is primitive compared to AntHill Pro (it doesn't have cool web-based UI) but it does allow you to run scripts remotely on other hosts. It's like Capistrano for Python. In the next phase of development, I will definitely be using this.
Use Django Fixtures (not started). I am really embarrassed to say that I have avoided using Fixtures for loading lookup and test data. Instead, I have been doing horrid things with SQL and objects.create(). I am looking forward to reforming my errant ways. Fixtures allow you to create a data file that Django will load for you. It offers three format options: JSON, YAML, or XML. Jacob recommends YAML if you can be assured that you have access to PyYAML, otherwise go with JSON which is nearly as readable.
Look into the Python Fixture module (not started). This straight Python module seems to be an alternative to the Django fixtures system. It is more oriented towards test data and looks a little like using mock objects. I need to dig in a little more before I make up my mind about it.
Use django.test.TestCase more for unit testing (not started). I need to do more with unit tests. I have had some good experiences with writing DocTests but I should use the Django unit test framework more. This will allow me to use fixtures more too! Plus with Django 1.1, startapp even creates a tests.py for you. How can I resist an empty .py file?
Use the highest version of Python that you can get away with (in progress). In the class, Jacob made the good point that every version of Python gets feature and performance improvements. Why not go with the latest stable version like 2.6? Snow Leopard did it for me. I will try to upgrade my server as soon as I can get away with it.
If you can make it to the next Django Master Class, I highly recommend you go. Otherwise, you should look into these resources and make your own educated decisions about whether to use them.