Alfresco and Liferay User Group
Alfresco and Liferay are hosting a CMS/Portal user group meeting in Ontario, Carlifornia on Wednesday July 18th. I attended the last Alfresco user group in Boston and it was really good. Based on feedback from the Boston event, they are making this meet-up longer and more round-table focused. to quote:
"Content management and portal software enjoy a natural synergy that begs to be exploited. Join us as we share our knowledge and discuss best practices, integration topics, roadmap ideas, and much more."
Liferay and Alfresco have an interesting partnership. They come from very different backgrounds. Liferay started out as a project for a local church and grew into one of the most popular open source portal systems around (in a very competitive portal market). Alfresco's heritage is in large companies like Documentum and Interwoven and they have quickly become one of the most recognizable names in open source content management. The two companies were brought together by customers who were using both of their products to build content-centric web applications. Although, early releases of Alfresco had options to run Alfresco within JBoss Portal, the integration was pretty weak. More recently, LifeRay announced that would offer a LifeRay portal/Alfresco bundle. I haven't tried it out yet, but here are the instructions if you want to give it a go. After that you can go to the user group and let everyone know what you think!