JSR 170 Approved
I was catching up on my Gilbane reading and noticed an announcement that JSR 170, the specification for the Java Content Repository (JCR), has finally been approved. Thanks and congratulations to Day Software's David Nuescheler and the Apache Jackrabbit Team for pushing the JCR through this arduous process.
This news could not come at a better time for CMS owners and buyers who must be concerned with this latest round of M & A. The JCR will allow organizations to store their content in a standards compliant repository that will enable greater flexibility in the tools they use to manage their content. Now all we have to do is wait for a critical mass of CMS providers to support the JCR. The open source world is clearly in the lead with Apache JackRabbit, the JCR reference implementation and several open source CMS are using it. Day Software has a JSR 170 compliant JCR in Beta. Expect IBM to be the next company to release a commmercial JCR. Oracle appears to be dragging their feet and blew an opportunity to integrate JCR support into their new ECM product or their database.